Translational Research

LifeNet Health’s research is focused on regenerative medicine involving the intersection of biology, medicine, and engineering.  This work is committed to revolutionizing and enhancing the ways that LifeNet Health contributes to the improved health and quality of life for millions of people worldwide by restoring, maintaining, or enhancing tissue and organ function.

The research team is focused on translational research in three defined areas:  scaffolds, signaling molecules and cells.  Scaffold related projects include devitalized allografts that can serve as excellent scaffolds for tissue engineering, nanofiber and other nanoscale fabrication methods that can enhance efficacy, and other uses of human tissue derived extracellular matrix.  Growth factors and signaling molecules enhance the function of allograft tissue for improved efficacy and performance.  Ongoing research objectives include continuing improvements in LifeNet Health’s current allograft tissues and processes as well as the development of new clinical and research applications – which will save patient lives and improve health.

LifeNet Health was the first to publish results showing the ability to derive induced pluripotent stem cells from a tissue donor using skin fibroblasts derived from adult donor tissue.  The induced pluripotent stem cells have the ability to give rise to every tissue in the body and thus have a very substantial opportunity to be important to both research and possible therapeutic applications.

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