LifeNet Health features best-in-class orthobiologic solutions at AAOS Annual Meeting
San Diego, Calif. (Aug. 31, 2021) — LifeNet Health, the world’s leading provider of allograft biologics, is showcasing its comprehensive portfolio of advanced biomaterials at the 2021 AAOS Annual Meeting (Booth #1527) Sept. 1-3.
Its featured solutions include ViviGen Cellular Bone Matrix, the first and only osteobiologic designed to recover and maintain lineage-committed bone cells; ArthroFlex SCR acellular dermal matrix, the gold standard for superior capsular reconstruction; and FlexiGraft QuadLink, the only pre-sutured quadriceps tendon for ACL reconstruction.
“Our portfolio reflects close collaboration with clinicians to understand the challenges they face in helping their patients heal,” said Daniel Osborne, LifeNet Health Vice President of Global Marketing and Commercial Strategy. “Combined with our unique technologies, this insight enables LifeNet Health to make better biologics that are uniquely engineered to address those challenges, and the data being shared at AAOS shows that’s precisely what they do.”
Live Presentations — In-Person or Online
In addition to its exhibit hall and digital presence, LifeNet Health’s AAOS activities include live programming to provide the latest clinical and economic data about its world-class biologics.
Elena Gianulis, PhD, LifeNet Health’s Medical Science Liaison, will lead two in-booth presentations on two of the most-advanced allograft bone-healing solutions available, ViviGen and PliaFXÒ Prime. The first session explores the growing body of evidence showing ViviGen supports healing in trauma, extremity and spine procedures, including recent studies that showed ViviGen supports outcomes equivalent to autograft1,2 and superior to mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)-based grafts in even high-risk foot and ankle procedures.
The second session will focus on how the unique technology of PliaFX Prime 100% bone moldable demineralized fibers supports effective clinical outcomes while providing exceptional value to hospitals. The presentations take place at 3:10 p.m. PDT Sept. 1 and Sept. 2 and will be streamed live to LifeNet Health’s online showcase.
AAOS-Hosted Innovation Theater Sessions
Two surgeons will present at AAOS Innovation Theater sessions about their experience using ViviGen and the results it is providing for their patients.
Richard Yoon, MD, director of Orthopedic Research in the Division of Orthopedic Trauma and Adult Reconstruction at Jersey City Medical Center, will describe his use of ViviGen in a series of challenging trauma cases. He also will discuss the 500-patient trauma registry he is leading that will collect data at seven Level 1 trauma centers to describe both the safety and efficacy of ViviGen.
Joseph Park, MD, associate professor and chief of the Foot and Ankle Davison in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at UVA, will present findings from his 135-patient retrospective review of ViviGen in high-risk foot and ankle surgeries, showing that patients treated with ViviGen experienced outcomes equivalent to those reported in literature for autograft.
Learn more about LifeNet Health’s activities at AAOS, as well as its portfolio of solutions for sports medicine, trauma, extremity and spine procedures, at www.LifeNetHealth.org/AAOS2021.