Virginia Bereavement Support Groups



Provides grief support services and education for four age groups:
Rainbows – for elementary children
Spectrum – for adolescents
Kaleidoscope – for college/adult
Prism – for parents and stepparents
For more information contact Jean Dilday at The Psychotherapy Center, 757-482-3805,

Chesapeake Widowed Persons Service
Contact Laurie Miller  757-545-4911
For surviving spouses.  Group meetings are held at 7:00pm in the Lifestyle Center of Chesapeake Reg. Medical Center, Open to all ages, sponsored by AARP.

Virginia Beach/Norfolk Widowed Persons Service
For surviving spouses of all ages.
Norfolk: Group meetings are held at 7:00 pm at First Baptist Church, 312 Kempsville Road, Norfolk. 
Virginia Beach: Meetings are held on Thursday at 1:00pm at Virginia Beach Christian Church, Great Neck Road and Rosehill Drive. For more information, call 461-9457.

Empty Arms Support Group
Sentara Women’s Health Source, 713 Volvo Pkwy,
Chesapeake, VA 23320.
Contact: Ann Prescott at 757-545-2667.  A support group for those experiencing the loss of a baby due to miscarriage, stillbirth, or pregnancy loss and newborn loss.  Meets the 2nd and 4th Monday at 7:00-8:30 pm. each month.

The Parents' Group
Contact Betsy Koivisto at 757-286-5121.
Offers support for parents who have lost a child. 
Meetings held the 4th Monday of each month at Bayside Presbyterian Church 1400 Ewell Road, Va. Beach
from 7:30-9:00 pm.

Virginia SIDS Alliance
Tidewater Area:
Tidewater Area:
contact:  Heather Kiegel 923-0367 or there's a tab which shows the meeting times.  
It is usually updated 2 months out.  They normally meet in the Chesapeake Library.

American Guild for Infant Survival SIDS Support Group
301 Eastwood Cr., VA. Beach, VA 
Contact Scott or Eileen Hesseck at 757-463-3845 or Wade or Kim Sandlin at 499-0658 . 
Meetings are the 1st Thursday of each month at 7:30pm at 536 Aragona Blvd., VA. Beach.

Peace by Piece
For grieving children and teenagers, offered by Edmarc Hospice for Children in partnership with Jewish Family Services of Tidewater. 
Call 1-800-668-0266 or 757-967-99251.

Widowed Person Service
Open to all ages.  Hotline 757-461-9457.  Call for times & locations.
For those who have lost their spouses early in life. No age limit. 
Call 757-468-2144 or 800-876-YWOW.

Hampton Roads Survivors of Suicide Support Group
For those who have experienced the death of a loved one by suicide. 
Contact Christine Gilchrist, LCSW, PC, Icc. at 3802 Poplar Hill Rd., Suite B, Chesapeake, VA 23321. 
Call 483-5111 to register before meeting.  Meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month, 7-9 pm at St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church, 4811 W. High St., Portsmouth, VA.

Bereavement Support Group - Williamsburg/Norge
For those individuals that have experienced a loss more than 2 months previously. 
Contact Allison Delaney at 757-253-1220.

New Beginnings at Williamsburg/Norge
A widow’s support group. 
Contact Julie Stanton at 757-258-5166. 
Meets the 4th Monday of the month at 4:00pm at Hospice House.

Parents Bereavement Support Group
Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters, 601 Children’s Lane, Norfolk, VA. 
For parents who have lost a child under the age of 21 years old at CHKD.  Held quarterly. 
Call for dates and times at 757-668-7129 or Chaplain’s office 668-8246 .

Share Support Group
Bon Secours DePaul Medical Center 
150 Kingsley Lane, Norfolk, VA 23505. 
Contact Nancy Goldman at 889-5300. 
For parents who have experienced the loss of a newborn, including stillbirth and miscarriage. 
Meets the 1st Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm in the cafeteria.

The SHARE Perinatal Loss Support Group
Mary Immaculate Hospital, 2 Bernadine Dr., Newport News, VA 23602.  Contact Sister Bernard at 886-6790. 
For parents who have experienced the loss of a newborn, including stillbirth and miscarriage. 
Meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:00pm in the Ruth Belle Room of the hospital conference center. 

Compassionate Friends-Hampton Roads Chapter
Contact Maureen & Bill Harmon at 757-995-8161. 
For parents who have experienced the death of a child at any age.  
Meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm at Kempsville Presbyterian Church, 805 Kempsville Road, Virginia Beach. 

Hospice House at Williamsburg/Norge
Compassionate Friends-For parents who have experienced the death of a child. 
Contact Julie Stanton at 757-253-1220. 
Meets the 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00pm at Hospice House.

St. Stephen Martyr Catholic Church
1544 South Battlefield Blvd., Chesapeake
Wednesday evenings 7:00 pm
Contact Mary Williams at 757-439-2590 or

Riverside Hospice – Newport News
2nd Thursday of each month 7:00pm until 8:30pm
4th Thursday of each month - 7:00pm until 8:30pm
Contact: Steve Brown at 757-594-2745



Compassionate Friends
St. Mathias Episcopal Church
Huguenot Road
Last Tuesday of each month at 7:15pm

Healing After Suicide
John Randolph Medical Center
1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 7pm
Mary Krout – 804-458-3895

Bon Secours Hospice Richmond
8580 Magellan Parkway, Bldg. #4
Richmond, Virginia 23227
Ongoing groups
Bereavement Coordinator
804-627-5372 for information

Comfort Zone Camp
A fun and safe camp for grieving children
6606W. Broad St., Suite 401
Richmond, VA   23230

Widowed Grief Group
603 Holly Grove Lane
Richmond, Virginia 23235
Contact: Elaine M.C. Nowinski at

Bereaved Siblings
A support group for those who have lost a brother or sister.
Meets on an as needed basis. Available during the week or weekend.
For more information and/or directions, please contact:
Emily Driscoll at 804-484-9494 or

Blue Ridge Hospice
Winchester, Virginia
Bereavement Dept. 540-313-9214
Visit the website for information.

Sisters of Hope
Richmond, VA
A group of bereaved Christian moms gathering to offer support, encouragement, and hope. Monthly support group on second Tuesdays at 7 p.m. at Village Church
233 N. Courthouse Rd., N. Chesterfield, VA 23236
Peggy Graeser 804-301-4166

Grief and Loss Peer Support Group
Richmond Wellness Center
Each session we will complete a unique expressive arts project. All artistic ability levels are welcome and supplies are included. Wednesdays 6:30-8:30 October 9th-November 13th $25 Per Session. 
Sign up at
Questions or Concerns? Email


Compassionate Friends
RTS Bereavement Services
Counseling and support for bereaved parents.  Drop-In Grief Support Group 434-200-4501
Susan – 434-944-8458 Gail – 434-841-7336

Randolph Memorial Baptist Church
4246 South Amherst Hwy.
Madison, 24537
3rd Mon. of month 7:30-9:00pm
Surviving the Loss of a Spouse
C/O Heritage United Methodist Church 582 Leesville Road Lynchburg, VA  24504 
Contact: Ken and Joanne 434-385-6334.
Starts September 3, 2010 (Wednesday) for 6 weeks.

Widow to Widow
First Christian Church, 3109 Rivermont Avenue, Lynchburg, VA  24503
2 p.m. on the 3rd Sunday of every month
Contact: Alice Keys 434-385-8900

New Beginning Widowed Persons Support
C/O Carder-Tharp Funeral Home Bedford, VA 
Contact: Kim Eckart 540-721-9375 or 540-586-3443.
3rd Wednesday at 12:00 pm at Olde Liberty Station (restaurant).

Journeys of Hope
Contact: Pamela Willoughby 540-587-6592
Crisis Line of Central Virginia
(Confidential crisis intervention and referral service)
Contact: 434-947-4357 or 1-888-947-9747 (outside local calling area)

Timberlake United Methodist Church
Lynchburg, VA  24504
Wed. 7:00-9:00pm
Contact: Joycelyn Arthur – 434-239-0543

Kids Haven: A center for grieving children
Provides support for children (ages 3-18) and their families who are grieving the death of a loved one.

Meets from 6:30 to 8 p.m.  

Call (434) 845-4072.

RTS Bereavement Services Parents Support Group
For pregnancy and infant loss only.  
Virginia Baptist Hospital
Meets 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. on the 3rd Tuesday of each month in private dining room (adjacent to cafeteria).
For more information, contact Evelyn (434)200-4568.

Survivors of Suicide Support Group
For adult family members and friends who are grieving the death by suicide of a loved one.
5:30 to 7 p.m. Tuesdays. 
Call Vicki Sandifer at Mental Health Association of Central Virginia at (434)847-9055.
Pre-register for this eight week long support group.


Adolescent Bereavement
Hospice of the Piedmont
Charlottesville, VA
Teens: Thursday 5:-6:30
Journey Program (ages 7-12): 5-6:15 pm
(434) 817-6900

Adult Bereavement
Hospice of the Piedmont
Charlottesville, VA
(434) 817-6900
1st Wednesday of the month, 6-8 pm


Compassionate Friends
Church of Our Savior
Rio Road, Charlottesville, VA 
Every 4th Tuesday at 7 p.m.
Genny Smith (434) 973-8844
Margie Howell (434) 974-9314

LOFT (Living Objectives For Today)
A support group for widows and widowers.  
First Baptist Church, 735 Park Street
Meets every 4th Thursday of each month at 11:00a.m. 
Contact Gretchen Edwards at (434) 296-6148.

The Hospice of Piedmont
Offers a variety of services and specialty groups for children, teens, & parents, different in different counties.


Grief and Loss Adult Support Group
Carilion Hospice Services – “Pathways”
Radford, VA & Pulaski, VA & New River Valley areas
Contact:  John LeMasters, Bereavement Coordinator 

Parents Grief Support Group
Pregnancy Resource Center of the New River Valley
Leann: 540-552-5556

Good Samaritan Hospice
“Living with Loss” program and grief support groups
Roanoke , VA
Contact:  Sandra Phillips  540-776-0198 or 1-888-466-7809 (outside Roanoke calling area)

Bereavement Support Group
(For those who have lost a spouse)
Beckley, WV
Contact: Melissa Thompson, Bereavement Coordinator

Gentle Shepherd Hospice
Children and adult group in Roanoke
May be adult group in Lynchburg 
Grief Support Group—Roanoke  VA
Contact:  Kathy Barton  540-989-6265 or
1-800-789-0586 (outside Roanoke calling area)