Frequently Asked Questions
How may I find out about my loved one’s organ and/or tissue donation?
If your loved one was a LifeNet Health donor, contact us through this website to request information about the health status of an organ recipient or details regarding your loved one’s tissue donation. We will be happy to provide that information. If you are a donor family outside of the LifeNet Health service area, please reach out to the organ procurement organization (OPO) that worked with you at the time of your loved one’s death.
May I correspond with the recipient of my loved one’s organ or tissue?
For LifeNet Health Organ Donor Families
Organ recipients can send letters to their donor’s family through Donor Family Services, which will forward to the letter to the family. Likewise, donor families can write to recipients. If you would like to correspond, download the brochure Writing to Your Donor’s Recipients for guidance on the process.
For LifeNet Health Tissue Donor Families
Tissue recipients can also send letters to their donor’s family through Donor Family Services. If the recipient includes their contact information, the letter will be forwarded, and the donor family can respond. However, donor families cannot initiate contact, as LifeNet Health does not know the identity of recipients unless they choose to reach out.
Can I meet the recipients?
Meetings between donor families and recipients are possible after letters have been exchanged and both parties express interest in meeting. Donor Family Services can help facilitate these meetings. However, we advise against trying to locate recipients through social media or news sources, as this may lead to false hopes or encounters with someone who is not the recipient of your loved one’s gift.